Sunday, December 19, 2021

It's time for yet another new blog post! It's been some time since the newest Death Note One Shot was released. However, one thing from the manga was only briefly talked about before being forgotten. That thing, is Near's hair. Now, the fans who did talk about his long hair were pretty split about it. Some people said they love it, and others said it just didn't make sense. But given what content we already had, it does make perfect sense for his character. In the one shot that takes place a few years after the original series, it already shows him with longer hair. It just wasn't much longer. Some people say it doesn't make sense because longer hair is harder to take care of. That isn't always the case though. Short hair needs less brushing, but Near doesn't sleep very much anyways. Along with this, there's a chance he just kept his hair short while he was at Wammy's House so he was easier to care for. Since he's on his own now, he only has to worry about how difficult it is for himself. Long hair also tends to stay out of your face more, and it doesn't require monthly haircuts. All in all, it would just be less of a hassle for him. Since he tends to focus on his detective work more, it makes sense for him to not care about getting his hair cut. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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