Thursday, March 31, 2022

It's time for a new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the "top ten anime betrayals" meme. This meme has been around for years now, and it's still frequently used today. This meme originated with the WatchMojo video of the same name. Although it was originally created to poke fun at WatchMojo's anime lists, it has since just become its own thing. This meme is used for simple things, like adding "top ten anime betrayals" to a dog stealing a piece of pizza from someone or something similar. Although the list itself is a legitimate list, the whole thing has become a joke; both for people who do watch anime and for people who don't. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What time is it? Time for yet another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about the latest Sanrio ad in Japan. For those of you who don't know, Sanrio is currently advertising Pompompurin on the giant 3D billboard in Shinjuku. That billboard has been around for a while, and it has gained a lot of attention for its realistic cat. But this time, it's gaining attention for the lovable Pompompurin. Pompompurin looks absolutely massive on this billboard, as well. If any of you would like to see this new advertisement, I'll be including the link for the official video of it below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Kuki Shinobu mix-up. For those of you who don't know, there was a fan art floating around that everyone claimed was the new Genshin Impact character Kuki Shinobu. It showed a little oni girl in a red outfit, and everyone used this picture when talking about her. Obviously this wasn't her, since she was supposed to be a human with a taller model. However, everyone still assumed this was her. Despite all of the leaks saying otherwise, everyone hoped this little oni girl was her. To no one's surprise, those hopes were crushed. The fan art in question was made by an artist on Twitter, who made a Genshin Impact original character named Sayo. It's unclear where the confusion started, but after the first few times, the confusion spread like wildfire. Of course this was eventually put to rest after the actual Kuki Shinobu was released, but many people were disappointed to find out it wasn't actually the little oni girl. Maybe Mihoyo (or Hoyoverse) will work with the creator of the art to actually make this character a reality. But as for now, I'll be including the link for the artwork below so you guys can check it out for yourselves. Enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Are the Genshin Impact event quests too tedious? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, event quests are quests specifically for the events. Whether they be story quests, little one-off adventures, or something else, they're exclusively for the event. But, are they becoming too tedious? Personally, I think they are. With all of the dialogue, running, and fighting you need to do, it can get overwhelming. Along with this, you only have a set time to do it. So if you want to take a little break from all of it, you have to be prepared to just miss the rest of the event. This means bits of lore or exclusive items can be completely missed by new or busy players. You can't replay any of the events either, so when it's gone it's really gone. This means you have to do all of that tedious nonsensical running, fighting, and talking if you want even one thing from the event. This has been an ongoing problem for a while, but it seems like almost every event is like this now. I also think important story quests should be permanent, not used as an event. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I don't think this problem will change any time soon, but it would be nice if it changed even a little. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Will Studio Ghibli ever make a sequel? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Studio Ghibli doesn't make sequels. Even though they've made a few movies that would be perfect for a sequel, Hayao Miyazaki just doesn't believe in them. Some Studio Ghibli fans have practically begged for a sequel to certain Ghibli movies, but none have ever been made. So, will a sequel ever be made? Well, it's not likely. Even though a sequel would make sense for some of them, they're also good as stand-alone films. There's a chance someone else in the future may decide to make a sequel to one or more of the Studio Ghibli movies, but there's also a chance that it won't be as good as the original. The movies we have are good on their own as it is, and a sequel isn't really necessary. I can't say we'll never have a sequel, but for now we'll have to be happy with the movies we already have. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing three Sanrio characters whose names start with the letter C; along with a picture of each. This is a pretty random list idea, but there are actually quite a few Sanrio characters whose names share letters. So, I've picked a letter at random and created a list for it. Enjoy!

1.) Chococat

2.) Cinnamoroll

3.) Cogimyun

Friday, March 25, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be listing five Pikachu clones I like; along with a picture of each. For those of you who don't know, "Pikachu clones" are Pokemon who resemble Pikachu in some ways. It's unclear why there are so many of them, but there are quite a lot. So I've decided to list a few for you all today. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Pachirisu

2.) Togedemaru

3.) Dedenne

4.) Morpeko

5.) Marill

Thursday, March 24, 2022

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be about the Nintendo Switch Sportsmates. For those of you who don't know, the Switch Sportsmates are kind of like the new Miis that originally came with the Wii. Although the Nintendo Switch Sports game still allows you to use traditional Miis, fans are still borderline furious over the new Sportsmates. You see, these new customizable characters look nothing like Miis. Instead, they're more similar to anime characters; which is why I've chosen to talk about them here. These new characters aren't as customizable as Miis, nor are they anything like them. Design-wise they're pretty okay. They're not super unique, and they're a bit too tall. It almost looks like they were going for a chibi design but then decided to give them a normal body, which is kind of weird. However, on their own they aren't awful. The only reason people are angry is because they're not like Miis. This is because they're not Miis. They're Sportsmates; and fans shouldn't be so upset if they can still use Miis in the game as well. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of the Sportmates and Miis below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

It's post time! With another new Pokemon generation on the way, I've decided it's time to talk about a problem Pokemon starters have. For those of you who don't know, many fans have an issue with the fact that so many four-legged starter Pokemon end up having two-legged evolutions. This has happened with Fennekin, Litten, Tepig, and a few others. Because of this, people are always worried that it will happen with every new generation. But, is this trend really a bad thing? Honestly, it's really up to preference. I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing, since we've gotten a lot of great final evolutions either way. Along with this, the final evolutions usually make sense; regardless of if they're on four legs or two legs. I'm sure a lot of people just take issue with it because Pokemon are based on animals and it wouldn't make sense for them to stand up and walk like humans. However, Pokemon aren't like our animals. In fact, the connection between humans and Pokemon are very close, so it would be perfectly normal for a Pokemon to stand upright. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It's difficult to say exactly why fans don't like this, especially since the final evolutions often make complete sense for the Pokemon. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be a list of three surprisingly popular Sanrio characters. Along with this, I'll be giving my thoughts on why I think it's odd for these characters to be so popular. There are a lot of Sanrio characters, but some of the popular ones don't quite match the others. So, let's talk about that. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Aggretsuko - It's surprising how popular this character has become; especially since she's nothing like the others. Yes she's still cute, but she also swears, drinks, and holds a corporate job. However, her popularity most likely comes from relatability.

2.) Gudetama - Ah, the lazy egg. Not quite as cute as the others, and not nearly as peppy. But, Gudetama still managed to rocket to the top. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to the lack of spunk this egg has, but it's still pretty odd.

3.) Little Twin Stars - These two may not be as popular as the others, but they've gained enough attention to get a Sanrio boy. Although they're cute and peppy like the others, they're not animals at all. Instead, they're some of the only popular human-like characters. Because of this, it's surprising they became as popular as they have.

Monday, March 21, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing six human-like Pokemon I like; along with a picture of each. There are actually quite a bit of human-like Pokemon, so I've decided to list a few I like. I use the term "human-like" pretty loosely, since they are still Pokemon. Normally I'd only list five, but two of them are from the same evolutionary family. So, I added an extra to make up for it. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Decidueye

2.) Gardevoir

3.) Gallade

4.) Steenee

5.) Gothorita

6.) Raboot

Sunday, March 20, 2022

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be a list of three sad Pokemon types, along with a reason for each. Many individual Pokemon have sad dex entries, but some types in general have a tendency of having sad Pokemon. So, I've decided to talk about a few of them. Enjoy!

1.) Ghost-type - This type is bound to have a lot of sad Pokemon, since they're mainly ghosts. However, this type group has many stories of tragedy and neglect.

2.) Dark-type - This type is supposed to be disliked, and it's even known as the evil type in Japan. But, quite a few Pokemon in this group are simply misunderstood; which means many of them have become outcasts for no good reason.

3.) Psychic-type - Not only does this type have the same issue of misunderstandings, but some psychic Pokemon are even in pain. The ones who can see the future are practically cursed, as well.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Could Pokemon become humans? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Many people have mentioned the fact of humans becoming Pokemon, but not many people have considered the possibility of Pokemon becoming humans. However, given the information we have, this is a very possible outcome. First of all, Pokemon and humans have the same ancestors. There's also the fact that humans and Pokemon were once seen as the same; even going so far as to marry each other. Pokemon seem to still have the same level of intelligence, as well. Since humans can miraculously change to Pokemon, sometimes through will alone, there's nothing saying Pokemon can't become humans. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, March 18, 2022

It's post time! So for today's blog post, I will be talking about some news regarding Genshin Impact. The 2.6 livestream recently aired, and it revealed quite a bit of information. Not only is Ayato going to be officially added next update, but his sister Ayaka will be getting a rerun. Venti will also be getting a rerun this time, and there will be some new events as well. Along with this, version 2.6 will finally add the Chasm, which fans have been waiting ages for. All of this is very big news for the fans, and people are very excited for the new release; which will be available on March 30th. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

It's Saint Patrick's Day! So to help celebrate, I will be listing five green Pokemon; along with a picture of each. Since this holiday isn't really celebrated in Japan, I have to find other ways to celebrate it on my blog. This is why I chose green Pokemon, since the color is heavily associated with the holiday. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! Happy St. Patty's Day!

1.) Sprigatito

2.) Snivy

3.) Chikorita

4.) Budew

5.) Wormadam

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

It's time for another new post! For today's blog post, I'll be talking about an ongoing meme in the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood fandom. I'm sure a lot of you already know which one I mean, but there will be spoilers for those who don't. You see, there was an episode in the anime that centered around a man trying to successfully create a Chimera. Everything seemed fine, until slowly it became clear that his previous failed Chimera was actually his wife. This become fully revealed when the man's dog and daughter went missing, only to be found fused together. Rather than be devastated by this, fans have decided to laugh through the pain. This has become a very well-known meme within the community, and pretty much everyone knows the story of poor Nina now. Is this a good meme? Well, I personally don't like it. But if it helps people get over the emotional punch of that episode, then it's perfectly fine. Honestly, that ongoing joke in the fandom catches me off-guard every time I see it. I know it makes other fans sad as well, but others find the jokes funny. So, I suppose it's a case of "to each their own". Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Is nurse Joy a Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Nurse Joy is a reoccurring character in the Pokemon anime. After encountering her in every place the main characters went, it was revealed that she's part of a big family of identical girls. Despite the explanation that they're all family who look alike, fans weren't satisfied. Instead, they started creating theories ranging from clones, to Pokemon. It's been pretty much confirmed they're not clones. But could they be Pokemon? Well, that's not very likely. Yes there are human-like Pokemon, yes some Pokemon can speak like humans, and yes humans and Pokemon evolve from the same ancestors. However, this doesn't mean Nurse Joy is a type of Pokemon in any way. Firstly, they clearly grow up and don't evolve. Secondly, there's no difference between them and normal humans. Clearly the girls in the family just have very strong genes that give them all the same hair color, eye color, and face shape. Even if it were somehow because of some sort of Pokemon-like mutation, they themselves are obviously not Pokemon. It's a fun theory to talk about, but I really don't think there's much evidence to support it. Those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, though. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, March 14, 2022

Will the Nintendo Wii explode next year? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although I don't normally talk about game systems in particular, the Wii has its fair share of good anime games for it. So, it would be a shame if it suddenly bursted into highly dangerous flames. Luckily, this isn't going to happen. Unless you blow it up yourself, that is. I know this seems like a very strange topic, but this is an actual rumor that's been spreading around. It started as an honest little joke on a satire website, but apparently some people actually believed it. I myself read the article before the rumor started spreading, and I thought it was pretty obviously satire. But because Nintendo has been shunning its previous systems so much recently, I suppose it can be believed if you don't actually read the article. If any of you are interested in the article in question, I'll be including it below. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Why is Tales From Earthsea so disliked? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, Tales From Earthsea is a Studio Ghibli movie. However, the criticisms for it are generally pretty harsh. There are a few people who love it, but generally it's pretty disliked. People say its pacing is weird, it doesn't make sense, and it's nothing like the books. Although that last criticism may be accurate, the movie doesn't have to be like the books. The pacing may be a little off, but almost everything is explained throughout the movie. Every Ghibli movie has some loose ends as it is, and Tales From Earthsea is just as beautifully animated as other Ghibli works. Perhaps people just don't like how much it strayed from the books, and perhaps other people are upset because it was directed by Hayao Miyazaki's son instead of Hayao himself. I've been watching a lot of Ghibli movies recently, and I can personally say that there isn't much of a difference between Tales From Earthsea and other movies. It still has good heart, a good message, a strong story, and wonderful animation. I do have a small problem with the somewhat odd pacing, but really there's no reason to be so harsh when criticizing this movie. It can be a classic just like the others, and it has its fans as well. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five turtle Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I don't mention turtle Pokemon on my blog very often, so I've decided to make a list for them. These aren't necessarily my favorites, either. Just some that I like. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Tirtouga

2.) Blastoise

3.) Torkoal

4.) Shuckle

5.) Turtwig

Friday, March 11, 2022

It's time for another list! Today's blog post will be a list of five cute psychic-type Pokemon, along with a picture of each. There isn't really a reason for this list. I just wanted to share some cute psychic-type Pokemon for you all. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Celebi

2.) Ralts

3.) Jirachi

4.) Spoink

5.) Mew

Thursday, March 10, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five anime that are strictly boy-focused. There are a ton of anime that focus on girls, and cutesy anime shows are almost always girl-centric. Well step aside, girls! Because these anime are cute and focused on boys. These aren't romance themed or shounen anime, either. Just cute boys living their lives. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) School Babysitters

2.) Cheer Boys

3.) Sanrio Boys

4.) How To Keep A Mummy

5.) Makura No Danshi (Pillow Boys)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

It's time to post! The blog post for today will be a list of three popular anime ships that never happened. There's nothing worse for shippers than when their favorite ship doesn't sail. But, it happens. So, I've decided to list a few ships that never actually went anywhere. Enjoy!

1.) Naruto x Sakura from Naruto

2.) Ash x Misty from Pokemon

3.) Natsu x Lisanna from Fairy Tail

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

It's time for yet another list! The Kirby series is always packed full of adorable enemies. So, I've decided to list three of them today; along with a picture of each. These Kirby enemies are some of the cutest, so let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Waddle Dee

2.) Scarfy

3.) Awoofy

Monday, March 7, 2022

What's the problem with long-running series? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Everyone loves new content. Whether it's a new entry for the manga, new episodes for an anime, or even a new movie; everyone loves it. Even with things like Naruto and One Piece, no one gets sick of it. When it ends, people are always upset even if they haven't paid attention to it in ages. So what's the problem with series like this? The answer is, the story. Because these shows often need some sort of problem to overcome, there's always something that has to be added. This means more and more things are added to the story, and nobody can keep up with everything. Because of this, there can sometimes be repetition, plot holes, or just retcons of the current lore. Haven't heard of this Pokemon? Well it's always existed. We beat a similar villain three seasons ago? Well, this one is somehow related to that one. With every plot hole comes new things to explain it, which can sometimes make other things make less sense. Although this doesn't make a good series bad, it can sometimes create little feuds in the fandoms. It can also be a bit confusing, even for casual fans. This doesn't mean a series shouldn't run for a long time, nor does it mean a series becomes bad after a certain time. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Kazuaki-kun's Book. Kazuaki-kun's Book is an official Hatoful Boyfriend manga that was created by Hato Moa. It's 18 pages long, and it details Kazuaki-kun's backstory in the mirror timeline. It's comprised entirely of 4-panel comics, and it's available on Amazon for one dollar. Normally a book wouldn't be so cheap, but it's an 18 page long digital-only manga. Although it isn't a very long story, I would still recommend checking it out. It's a good little book, and the Hatoful Boyfriend books are great for people who need more content. As a fan of Kazuaki-kun, I think this book handles his story very nicely. Of course it feels just like the games as well, so check it out if you're a fan. But, that's mostly just my opinion. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

It's post time! Since the rogue rocket has finally officially crashed into the moon, I have decided to list a few pictures of the anime character most commonly known for blowing up the moon. That's right, we're going to see Koro-sensei himself today! For those of you who don't know, Koro-sensei is from Assassination Classroom, and the thing he's most known for is blowing up 70% of the moon. Whether that's true or not is another story entirely, but that's what he's known for nonetheless. So, let's get on with the pictures! Enjoy!

Friday, March 4, 2022

What time is it? It's time for a list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing three Hatoful Boyfriend characters I like; along with a reason for each one. Hatoful Boyfriend has a very wide and diverse set of characters, so it only makes sense to say why I like the ones I do. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Nageki Fujishiro - Nageki is by far one of my favorites. He's smart, quiet, and independent. I sympathize with him always being sick and feeling like a burden because of it, and I admire how he deals with it.

2.) Kazu-kun - Many of the in-game characters mock Kazuaki for his lack of emotional control, and he can be seen as a bit useless since he gave up on college and his dream job. But, I like him. He's just a little lost, and nobody is perfect. He's funny and childish, and he can achieve a lot when he tries.

3.) Hitori - I love Hitori. He's so kind, and hardworking. He's also sweet, understanding, and reliable. He's there for anyone who needs him, and he cares deeply for the ones he's close with. I don't like what he became in the current games, but I truly admire who he was.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's Kazuaki-kun's birthday! Kazu-kun is one of my favorite Hatoful Boyfriend characters, and today is his birthday! So to celebrate, I will be listing five pictures of him below. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy! Happy birthday Kazuaki-kun!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Cinnamoroll is turning 20! That's right, this cute little puppy is having his 20th anniversary this year! So to celebrate, Sanrio has added a bunch of new merchandise for him on their official website, including special 20th anniversary tech accessories. Although that isn't very much, Cinnamoroll turning 20 is still a pretty big deal; especially since he's managed to maintain his popularity through the years. Not many Sanrio characters can say the same, with only a few staying relevant. This cute little shy cinnamon puppy was born on March 6th, and he debuted in 2002. As always, I will be including a picture of Cinnamoroll below; as well as the link for his shop page. Enjoy!

The link for the official Cinnamoroll product page:

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This is my 2,000th blog post! So to help celebrate this momentous occasion, I will be listing twenty Genshin Impact tips for new players. Sometimes you learn things the hard way with games, so I've decided to share some of my own experience. Since Genshin Impact is pretty popular and a relatively big part of my life at the moment, I thought this would be a good way to celebrate. Also keep in mind these tips aren't in any specific order. So, let's get on with the list!

1.) 90 pulls does not guarantee you the main five star character on a banner, it only guarantees you a five star. 180 pulls guarantees you the five star character.

2.) 4 star characters are always added to the standard wish banner, so don't feel pressured to wish for any of them on the main banners.

3.) Mora can easily be saved over time. Don't scrounge around constantly when you can get it from monsters, blossoms of wealth, bosses, daily commissions, and quests. It's easy to build up if you don't spend it all.

4.) The rewards you get from bosses, aren't guaranteed. You'll almost never get a billet, so don't worry too much if you don't get it the first time.

5.) Bosses like the regisvines can be fought as much as you want as long as you have the resin, so you can easily farm them if you're strong enough.

6.) Always gather ingredients. It doesn't matter what it is, because chances are you'll need it. Things like wheat can be processed into flour, and it's cheaper to process your own than it is to buy it all the time.

7.) Don't accept a character story quest unless you know you can finish it. Even those "optional" quests can lock you out of other quests. Eula's quest wouldn't even let me back into my Serenitea Pot.

8.) Always farm wood when you see it, because Serenitea Pot furniture requires a lot. You can also get wood in unlikely places, like the small pine trees that grow outside of the Mondstadt Cathedral.

9.) You can lower your world level by one from the pause menu. If monsters are too difficult to deal with, lower that level! It's there for a reason.

10.) The traveler is actually a really good character. They're considered a five star on purpose, and they're the easiest to level.

11.) Always level as many characters as you can. You never know when you'll need them, and even the four star characters can be powerful.

12.) Don't be afraid to wish on main event banners if your pity is low enough. Every failed wish adds to your pity, and will make it easier to get your desired character in the long run.

13.) Wait as long as you can to raise your adventure rank cap. Yes you need to raise it to unlock certain quests, but most of the time you won't be strong enough to keep up with the newly ascended world when you do.

14.) There's nothing wrong with not using certain characters. This should be obvious, but a lot of people will try to police who you can and can't use. Really, it all depends on what works for you.

15.) Finishing quests as soon as possible isn't always necessary. It's good to take care of necessary quests, but otherwise you'll bore yourself by just plowing through the game.

16.) Always try to do daily commissions and events. This one may seem a bit silly, but primogems are difficult to come by.

17.) Always open chests, even if you don't currently need the treasure. Not only will you most likely need it later, but the few primogems you get will really add up.

18.) Don't forget you can co-op with people. As long as you work well with others or have some friends who play, co-op play can make things so so much easier.

19.) Don't forget your bag does have a limit. Try to cook food or level your characters, weapons, and artifacts often so you can use up unneeded things and make space for new ones.

20.) Lastly, and most importantly, just have fun with it. Genshin Impact is still a game, and it won't be fun anymore if you take it too seriously.