Monday, March 28, 2022

Are the Genshin Impact event quests too tedious? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, event quests are quests specifically for the events. Whether they be story quests, little one-off adventures, or something else, they're exclusively for the event. But, are they becoming too tedious? Personally, I think they are. With all of the dialogue, running, and fighting you need to do, it can get overwhelming. Along with this, you only have a set time to do it. So if you want to take a little break from all of it, you have to be prepared to just miss the rest of the event. This means bits of lore or exclusive items can be completely missed by new or busy players. You can't replay any of the events either, so when it's gone it's really gone. This means you have to do all of that tedious nonsensical running, fighting, and talking if you want even one thing from the event. This has been an ongoing problem for a while, but it seems like almost every event is like this now. I also think important story quests should be permanent, not used as an event. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I don't think this problem will change any time soon, but it would be nice if it changed even a little. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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