Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This is my 2,000th blog post! So to help celebrate this momentous occasion, I will be listing twenty Genshin Impact tips for new players. Sometimes you learn things the hard way with games, so I've decided to share some of my own experience. Since Genshin Impact is pretty popular and a relatively big part of my life at the moment, I thought this would be a good way to celebrate. Also keep in mind these tips aren't in any specific order. So, let's get on with the list!

1.) 90 pulls does not guarantee you the main five star character on a banner, it only guarantees you a five star. 180 pulls guarantees you the five star character.

2.) 4 star characters are always added to the standard wish banner, so don't feel pressured to wish for any of them on the main banners.

3.) Mora can easily be saved over time. Don't scrounge around constantly when you can get it from monsters, blossoms of wealth, bosses, daily commissions, and quests. It's easy to build up if you don't spend it all.

4.) The rewards you get from bosses, aren't guaranteed. You'll almost never get a billet, so don't worry too much if you don't get it the first time.

5.) Bosses like the regisvines can be fought as much as you want as long as you have the resin, so you can easily farm them if you're strong enough.

6.) Always gather ingredients. It doesn't matter what it is, because chances are you'll need it. Things like wheat can be processed into flour, and it's cheaper to process your own than it is to buy it all the time.

7.) Don't accept a character story quest unless you know you can finish it. Even those "optional" quests can lock you out of other quests. Eula's quest wouldn't even let me back into my Serenitea Pot.

8.) Always farm wood when you see it, because Serenitea Pot furniture requires a lot. You can also get wood in unlikely places, like the small pine trees that grow outside of the Mondstadt Cathedral.

9.) You can lower your world level by one from the pause menu. If monsters are too difficult to deal with, lower that level! It's there for a reason.

10.) The traveler is actually a really good character. They're considered a five star on purpose, and they're the easiest to level.

11.) Always level as many characters as you can. You never know when you'll need them, and even the four star characters can be powerful.

12.) Don't be afraid to wish on main event banners if your pity is low enough. Every failed wish adds to your pity, and will make it easier to get your desired character in the long run.

13.) Wait as long as you can to raise your adventure rank cap. Yes you need to raise it to unlock certain quests, but most of the time you won't be strong enough to keep up with the newly ascended world when you do.

14.) There's nothing wrong with not using certain characters. This should be obvious, but a lot of people will try to police who you can and can't use. Really, it all depends on what works for you.

15.) Finishing quests as soon as possible isn't always necessary. It's good to take care of necessary quests, but otherwise you'll bore yourself by just plowing through the game.

16.) Always try to do daily commissions and events. This one may seem a bit silly, but primogems are difficult to come by.

17.) Always open chests, even if you don't currently need the treasure. Not only will you most likely need it later, but the few primogems you get will really add up.

18.) Don't forget you can co-op with people. As long as you work well with others or have some friends who play, co-op play can make things so so much easier.

19.) Don't forget your bag does have a limit. Try to cook food or level your characters, weapons, and artifacts often so you can use up unneeded things and make space for new ones.

20.) Lastly, and most importantly, just have fun with it. Genshin Impact is still a game, and it won't be fun anymore if you take it too seriously.