Monday, March 14, 2022

Will the Nintendo Wii explode next year? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although I don't normally talk about game systems in particular, the Wii has its fair share of good anime games for it. So, it would be a shame if it suddenly bursted into highly dangerous flames. Luckily, this isn't going to happen. Unless you blow it up yourself, that is. I know this seems like a very strange topic, but this is an actual rumor that's been spreading around. It started as an honest little joke on a satire website, but apparently some people actually believed it. I myself read the article before the rumor started spreading, and I thought it was pretty obviously satire. But because Nintendo has been shunning its previous systems so much recently, I suppose it can be believed if you don't actually read the article. If any of you are interested in the article in question, I'll be including it below. Enjoy!

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