Friday, July 29, 2022

Do characters actually die in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However, there will be spoilers in this post. So proceed with caution. Now then, let's get on with it. Although it seems like characters die during battles, that isn't actually the case. First of all, player characters can easily be revived with food items. Not only this, but it's been revealed during cutscenes and story quests that the enemies you're defeating don't actually die. There have been treasure hoarders, abyss mages, and even fatui agents that have been interrogated after they supposedly died in battle. The only character we've actually seen die is Signora, who wasn't revived later. This means the characters aren't actually dying when they're defeated in battle. Along with this, it's been shown many times that enemies will come back regardless of how many times you defeat them. Treasure hoarders even disappear in a puff of smoke when you defeat them, which shows that at least treasure hoarders are never truly killed. But this raises the question, why do they disintegrate when defeated? Well, I'm sure that's just a design choice. If they didn't disappear, they would just be laying around everywhere. Not only this, but we have seen dead hilichurls in the game before. On some of the islands in Inazuma, there are hilichurl bodies in some of the camps. With the inclusion of these bodies, it shows us that they don't actually disintegrate when they're really killed. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this somewhat morbid blog post!

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