What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about Il Dottore's new design in Genshin Impact. For those of you who don't know, Dottore first appeared in the official Genshin Impact web comic. His original design was quite different from the one that has recently appeared in the new trailer. Although this is to be expected since Collei also has a new design, his new look is still a bit of a surprise. His new design is more mature and serious than his original design. Many fans like this, but I personally don't like it as much. You can see even less of his face now with his new mask, his hair is more flat with less personality, and his new design doesn't suit him as much. He may just be a more serious character now, but at the very least I was hoping he'd keep some part of his original design. Dottore was actually one of my favorite upcoming characters, mostly because of his unique design. Even though he still has a unique design, it doesn't feel as unique. Of course it isn't a bad design, and I understand why people would like it. But it doesn't really feel like the same person. Since the harbingers were wearing their fatui clothes in the video (as seen with Childe's outfit), it's difficult to really know if this is his actual outfit or not. Either way, we'll have to wait and see. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including both versions of Dottore below so you guys can see for yourselves. Enjoy!

The original Dottore.
The new Dottore.
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