Sunday, July 10, 2022

It's post time! But as much as I hate to announce this, Netflix has announced another live action Death Note movie. This one will be directed by the creators of Stranger Things. Although this is a small glimmer of hope, it'd be safer to just assume this glimmer of hope is fool's gold. With all of the failed attempts Netflix has under their belt, there's no point in getting any hopes up for a new one. A successful live action Death Note adaptation would almost be a miracle at this point. I know I'm being hard on a project we know nothing about, but the previous attempts at adapting anime have been horrendous. All popular anime suffer this fate at some point; some more than once. So, I'd like to say that it'd be better to just leave good enough alone. Just because something is animated, that doesn't mean we absolutely need to see what they'd look like as "real people". If something is popular as it is, then leave it that way. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know this post isn't very optimistic, but that's just because I'm getting pretty tired of all of these live action remakes. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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