Friday, August 31, 2018

Today is Hatsune Miku's birthday! So in celebration of this, I will be listing five English songs sung by her, along with their links. As a bonus, I will also be including a picture of her as well. Just a little reminder that I don't own any of the pictures I have shown on my blog so far. So, I give all credit to the wonderful artist of the picture! Enjoy!

1.) Hello Again by Circus-P

2.) Second Star by Empath-P

3.) Pacify by No Straight Answer

4.) Kimagure Mercy (Circus Remix) by Circus-P

5.) Sweet Devil by Metragoon

Thursday, August 30, 2018

The blog post for today will be about My Melody. My Melody is a Sanrio character, and she was born in the forest of Mariland. Her favorite hobby is baking with her mother too, and her favorite food is almond pound cake. Along with this, she likes to eat cake with her best friend, who is a mouse named Flat. She is also a good natured girl, and she is always seen wearing her signature hood. Her hood covers her ears, and it is usually red or pink. My melody is also quite popular, and she was one of the Sanrio characters featured in the show Sanrio Boys. The boy who likes her is named Yuu Mizuno. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Yuu with My Melody below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Yuu with a My Melody plush.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Psyduck. Psyduck is a water-type Pokémon, and it is the pre-evolution of Golduck. This Pokémon can use a mysterious power. When it does this, it releases brainwaves that are usually only seen in people who are sleeping. Because of this, Psyduck's power sparked controversy among scholars. However, Psyduck can't remember using its powers when it does so. Apparently, Psyduck is unable to form memories of using its mysterious power because it goes into an altered state. This altered state is much like being in a deep sleep. Since it never remembers using its powers, Psyduck always has a confused expression on its face. Along with this, Psyduck's strange power also gives it horrible headaches. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Misty's Psyduck from the anime below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. Mew Mew Kissy Cutie is Alphys's favorite anime in Undertale. Since it is technically an anime, I figured I would talk about it on here. Since it doesn't appear very much in the game, we don't know very much about this anime. However, there are Mew Mew Kissy Cutie posters in Alphys's lab. At one point during the game, Alphys also posts a status on her social media account complaining about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2. There has recently been an official Mew Mew Kissy Cutie keychain revealed as well. The anime may also be a reference to another anime called "Tokyo Mew Mew", but it is unknown if this is true. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of Alphys's Mew Mew Kissy Cutie posters, Alphys's social media post, and the official Mew Mew Kissy Cutie keychain below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

The second floor of Alphys's lab with the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie posters.
Alphys's Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 review.
The official Mew Mew Kissy Cutie keychain.

Monday, August 27, 2018

The blog post for today will be about The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.. The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K. is an anime that is based on the manga of the same name. This series follows the life of a boy named Kusuo Saiki. Unlike other kids, Kusuo was born with a long list of amazing psychic powers. Since he is so unique, he tries to hide his powers so none of his high school classmates, or anyone else, find out about them. He also faces a lot of problems, and he tries not to attract attention. This series is a slice-of-life with some comedy mixed in as well. If any of you guys would like to check out the anime, it is available English subbed on Crunchyroll. It is also currently available in both the English subbed and English dubbed versions on Netflix.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Sableye. Sableye is a dark/ghost type Pokémon, and it doesn't evolve. This Pokémon lives deep inside caverns, and they usually lead quiet lives. It also digs the ground with its claws to find gems, which it eats. The substances in these gems then rise to the surface of Sableye's body. Sableye's diet of gemstones is what transformed its eyes into gems as well. However, most people are afraid of this Pokémon. This is because it is said to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Sableye below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Delcatty. Delcatty is a normal-type Pokémon, and it is the evolution of Skitty. This Pokémon prefers to live an unrestricted lifestyle so it can do whatever it wants at its own pace. Since this Pokémon eats and sleeps whenever it wants, it's schedule is completely random. Delcatty also sleeps wherever it wants, and it doesn't keep a permanent nest. If another Pokémon approaches it while it is sleeping, it won't fight the Pokémon. Instead, it will just get up and move to a different spot. It also dislikes dirty places, and it will often try to find clean places to groom itself. Delcatty is popular among female Pokémon trainers as well, and they often use them in Pokémon competitions because of their fur. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Delcatty below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, August 24, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokémon Skitty. Skitty is a normal-type Pokémon, and it is the pre-evolution of Delcatty. This Pokémon has become a popular pet because of its cute looks. However, it is still difficult to earn its trust. It is also fascinated by moving objects, and it often chases them around. Because of this, Skitty has been known to chase its own tail around playfully until it gets dizzy. In the wild, Skitty lives in the holes of trees in the forest. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Skitty below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Subaru Amagaya from Sanrio Boys. Subaru is one of the Sanrio Boys, and he likes Badtz-Maru. However, he currently isn't one of the main Sanrio Boys shown in the anime. Instead, he made a cameo appearance at the end of the season. This is most likely because both Subaru and Naoki were introduced after the first five Sanrio Boys. Subaru is a wannabe delinquent who actually has a kind heart. Because of this, he dresses like a delinquent too. But, Subaru also wants to be like his favorite Sanrio character, Badtz-Maru. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Subaru below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Meowstic. Meowstic is a psychic-type Pokémon, and it evolves from the Pokémon Espurr. This Pokémon has incredible psychic powers. When Meowstic is in danger, it will lift its ears and release enough psychic energy to destroy a ten ton truck. However, it usually keeps its ears tightly closed. This is because the eyeball pattern on its inner ear releases an immense power when it is uncovered. This is also one of the few Pokémon who have incredibly obvious gender differences, since its appearance differs greatly depending on which gender it is. If it is a male Meowstic, its colors are mainly black with white accents and green eyes. On the other hand, a female Meowstic will have orange eyes and a mainly white color scheme with black accents. Both of them have two tails as well, with the female Meowstic's tails being more curled than a male Meowstic's tails. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of both a male and female Meowstic below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be reviewing another Shiny Pokémon. Since my other posts about Shiny Pokémon have been rather long, I have decided to only talk about one Shiny Pokémon at a time. So, today's blog post will be about Shiny Garchomp. This particular Shiny Pokémon is often called a bad shiny because of its color scheme. If you look at a Shiny Garchomp and a normal Garchomp, there is barely any difference in their colors! This makes it very hard to tell if a Garchomp is a shiny one or not. I personally think a brighter or darker color scheme would be much better. If the color scheme was brighter, it would be much easier to tell if it is a Shiny Garchomp or not. But if it had a darker color scheme, it would blend better with the dark colors of its normal form. But, these are just my thoughts on it. However, I will be including a picture of the normal version and the shiny version of Garchomp below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

The normal version of Garchomp is on the left, and the Shiny version is on the right.

Monday, August 20, 2018

It's blog post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Utauloid RYATA MAXUM. Even though I have done a post about RYATA MAXUM before, today I will be talking about his upcoming English voicebank. That's right! RYATA is getting an English voicebank! His creator, Ayatonic, has been working on one for him. Although I am a bit behind on this discovery, there has already been a sample of his English voicebank released on Ayatonic's SoundCloud account as well. Since it's still a work in progress, it doesn't sound perfect. But, I personally think RYATA's new English voicebank sounds really good! If any of you guys would like to hear what his English voicebank sounds like so far, I will be including a link for it below. Enjoy!

The link for RYATA's English sample song:

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Yua (Nanatsuki) Oogami. Yua is an Utauloid, and she is a moon rabbit. She is very intelligent, and it is easy for her to adapt to her surroundings. Yua is also friendly and kind, and she can captivate others with her smooth talking. Despite being 25, she still looks and sounds like she is 17. This is because she stays young while she is on Earth. She is also quite curious, and her curiosity is what forced her to live on Earth. After learning how to use the red thread of fate, she became known as a matchmaker and a break-up girl. However, she was sent to Earth because she had been playing with the red thread of fate. But, this wasn't considered to be a punishment for her because she loves to travel. As a little bonus, I will be including a link to a song sung by Yua below so you guys can hear what her voice sounds like. I will also be including a link to her wiki page for anyone who wants to read more about her. Enjoy!

The song sung by Yua:
(Since the video title is in Japanese, I would like to mention that the song name is "Beauty Under The Moon".)

Yua's wiki page:

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Cancer from Fairy Tail. Cancer, also known as "The Giant Crab", is a Celestial Spirit. His gate key is a golden key, and it currently belongs to Lucy Heartfilia. Much like with her other gate keys, Cancer's key was passed down to Lucy from her mother. However, his key also belonged to Spetto for a while. Cancer has a cool personality, and he isn't very emotional or hot-headed. Cancer uses scissors as his weapon, and he uses them to both cut hair and battle his opponents. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Cancer below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, August 17, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Capricorn from Fairy Tail. Capricorn, also known as "The Goat", is a Celestial Spirit. His gate key is a golden key, and it currently belongs to Lucy Heartfilia. Capricorn is very loyal to Lucy, and his key was passed down to her from her mother Layla. However, his key did belong to Zoldeo for a while as well. He seems to be skilled in teaching others about magic too, since he was the one Lucy summoned when she wanted to know how to raise her Magic Power level. Along with this, Capricorn also likes to write and recite poems as well. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Capricorn below so you guys can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

This is my 707th blog post! Although it's not a huge milestone, it does mean that today's blog post will be about 707 from Mystic Messenger! Since I've already done quite a few posts about Seven on here before, I will be listing five Fun Facts about him for today's post. I would also like to mention that there might be a few spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the list!

1.) Seven usually breaks the fourth wall more than any of the other characters.

2.) He occasionally plays LOLOL under the username "Hacker God".

3.) Seven is Catholic, and he wears a cross necklace.

4.) He also has a rather long list of aliases. One of which is "Lucky Seven", and he tends to get mad if the MC calls him this.

5.) He loves cars as well, and he owns quite a few of them.

Surprise! I will also be including a picture of Seven below! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the eclipse versions of the Celestial Spirits in Fairy Tail. However, there will be spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! During the Eclipse Celestial Spirits arc in Fairy Tail, each Zodiac Spirit, along with the Celestial Spirit King, were given different appearances and personalities. Their new appearances and personalities are called their "Eclipse Forms". Their Eclipse forms almost completely contradict their normal forms as well. As an example, Aquarius became very childish with the appearance of a little girl. Aries also became very rude, and she actually enjoyed hurting people. Her appearance made her look a lot tougher as well. Since there are 14 Eclipse forms of the Celestial Spirits, I won't be able to talk about every one of them in this post. Instead, I will be linking their pages on the Fairy Tail wiki below. Enjoy!

The Celestial Spirit King's wiki page:

Leo's wiki page:

Aries's wiki page:

Aquarius's wiki page:

Gemini's wiki page:

Cancer's wiki page:

Sagittarius's wiki page:

Pisces's wiki page:

Capricorn's wiki page:

Scorpio's wiki page:

Virgo's wiki page:

Libra's wiki page:

Taurus's wiki page:

Ophiucus's wiki page:

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Deneb from Fairy Tail. Deneb, also known as "The Swan", is a Celestial Spirit. His key currently belongs to Yukino Agria. His key is also a silver key. Deneb has a pessimistic attitude, and he thinks other people think negatively of him. He does the opposite of whatever his summoner asks him to do as well. Interestingly enough, Deneb has a dark color theme as opposed to the normal white of a swan. Since Deneb was barely shown in the series, there's not very much more known about him. He was also a rather minor character too. However, he does seem to have obtained a bit of a following, since it's still pretty easy to find him. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of him below so you guys can see what he looks like. I will also be including his wiki page on the Fairy Tail wiki for if any of you guys want to read more about him. Enjoy!

Deneb's wiki page link:

Monday, August 13, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three Death Note video games. If you guys don't know, there have been three Death Note video games made for the Nintendo DS. Their names are Death Note: Kira Game, Death Note: Successors To L, and L The ProLogue To Death Note: Spiraling Trap. However, these games were never released outside of Japan. Because of this, the games were never translated to English, or any other languages. It's unclear why this is though, especially since Death Note has always been a popular series. It's been quite a while since they were released too, so they probably won't ever be translated for the fans outside of Japan. If they were to ever be released outside of Japan, Konami would most likely need a lot of support for them from the fans first. But, a lot of people don't even know they exist, so it's hard to say if these games will ever be released outside of Japan. Since there are three games, I will be including the links for the games on the Death Note wiki below instead of typing out all of the summaries. Enjoy!

The page link for Death Note: Kira Game:

The page link for Death Note: Successors To L:

The page link for L The ProLogue To Death Note: Spiraling Trap:

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Misa's Song in Death Note. But before I continue, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Although a character singing a song in Death Note probably seems quite unlikely, Misa's haunting melody is perfect for the atmosphere of the show. In episode 25, "Silence", Misa is seen singing a song known only as "Misa's Song". The scenes during her song show her walking through the streets of Japan as she watches others with her shinigami eyes, while occasionally showing her victims as they experience their fate. Because it is a song, it only appears in the anime and not the manga. There are also different versions of the song for the original Japanese dub and the English dub of the show. So, I will be linking the videos for both the English dubbed and the English subbed versions of the song below, along with the link for this song's page on the Death Note wiki. Enjoy!

The English dubbed version of Misa's Song:

The English subbed version of Misa's Song:

The Death Note wiki page for Misa's Song:'s_Song

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Today is Community Day in Pokémon Go! Or at least, it was. Unfortunately Community Day is already coming to a close. But don't worry if you happened to miss most, or all, of today's Community Day, because this special Community Day will be continuing tomorrow! This is because Eevee is the star of these Community Days! Since Eevee has a lot of different possible evolutions, the Community Day was extended to give trainers the chance to experience all of them! Any Eevee caught during Community Day will also come with the special move Last Resort. Trainers will get extra Stardust for catching them too, and Lure Modules will remain active for three hours during the event as well. If any of you guys are interested in participating in tomorrow's Community Day for Eevee, I will be linking the page for Pokémon Go's official event page below. Enjoy!

The official page for the Eevee Community Day:

Friday, August 10, 2018

Did Light turn into a shinigami in Death Note? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! If you guys don't know, there is a popular Death Note theory centered around the unnamed shinigami that appears in the anime movie Death Note Relight 1: Visions Of A God. This theory says the unnamed shinigami is actually a reincarnation of Light. There is actually a lot of evidence supporting this too. The first piece of evidence is the shinigami's appearance, which is similar to Light's. This can be seen with the jacket that resembles the jacket Light used to wear, and the red tie the shinigami wears around his head that resembles the tie Light wore with his school uniform. The shinigami also has red eyes, which could be because Light is sometimes depicted with red eyes and hair while he is thinking in the anime. In the second intro sequence for the anime, Light is shown to be in the Shinigami Realm. This could point to Light becoming a shinigami after he dies as well. However, the Relight films don't take place in the same timeline as the show because a lot of things were changed in them. So even if Light did become a shinigami in the Relight films, he could have had a different fate in the original anime. The creator has never confirmed or denied this theory either, so it's hard to say if the unnamed shinigami really is Light Yagami or not. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on it. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of the unnamed shinigami below so you guys can see what he looks like, as well as the page for this theory on the Death Note fanon wiki. Enjoy!


Thursday, August 9, 2018

It's my 700th blog post, and you know what that means! It means I'll be making a special post just for the occasion! So for today's post, I will be making a list of seven anime shows I used to watch when I was younger. I know it doesn't seem like much, but a fan of anything has to start somewhere. I still watch a lot of the shows I'm going to list too! But, the list won't be in any specific order. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Yu-Gi-Oh

2.) Hamtaro

3.) Kirby Right Back At Ya

4.) Pokémon

5.) Sonic X

6.) Naruto

7.) Dragon Ball

Well, that's it! Although it may be kind of short, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! Since I've always liked most of the shows on this list, I would highly recommend checking some of them out if you haven't already as well!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about sensu and uchiwa style hand fans in anime. First of all, a sensu style fan is a folding fan, and an uchiwa style fan is a stationary fan that is shaped like a paddle. If you guys don't know, these two types of fans often appear in different anime series. But, they usually don't play a very big part. However, one of the most well-known sensu style fans is the giant one Temari uses to battle in the Naruto series. Along with this, the Pokémon Oricorio has a sensu style. This style of Oricorio is purple, and its feathers look like sensu fans. On the other hand, uchiwa fans hardly ever show up in anime. This is because uchiwa fans are generally used for special events like festivals. They are often used with kimonos and yukatas as well. Because of this, I couldn't find any examples of uchiwa fans in anime. However, I would like to mention that the symbol used for the Uchiha clan in the Naruto series resembles an uchiwa fan. So, I will be including pictures of both Temari with her sensu fan and the Uchiha clan's symbol below. Enjoy!

Temari with her fan.
The Uchiha clan's symbol.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Did Near cheat during the Kira case in Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. But before I continue, I would like to mention that there will be spoilers for the series in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Although Near was introduced near the end of the series, there's still a bit of evidence pointing to the fact that he is a cheater. One of the first pieces of evidence is the fact that he started out the case with the knowledge of the Death Note, which eventually made it easier for him to figure out who Kira is. Along with this, he used Mello to find out who Kira is without Mello himself knowing about it. Near is able to figure out which rule in the Death Note is fake because of Mello too, who told him about the fake rules in exchange for his photo. He used Aizawa a few times to get information about the Kira case as well, which also helped him figure out who Kira really is. There a few other things that Near has done that proves that he cheated during the Kira case, but the most notable thing is what Takeshi Obata, the artist for Death Note, says in Death Note 13: How To Read. When he is asked who he thinks the smartest character in Death Note is, he says: "Near. Because he cheats.". However, these are mostly just my thoughts on it anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Near below, for no particular reason. Enjoy!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Where does the candy come from in Pokémon Go? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Ever since Pokémon Go came out a while ago, fans have been talking about a theory that is based around where the candies come from when you catch or trade a Pokémon. A lot of people say Professor Willow turns the Pokémon into the candies, but I don't think that's the case. So, I'll be giving my thoughts on this theory. First of all, the candies are simply rewards for catching Pokémon or transferring the Pokémon you can't keep. A lot of games give away rewards if you trade away or sell something. But, this still doesn't explain where they come from in-game. Well, a lot of the Pokémon treats that appear in the games and anime are made out of berries. As an example, Pokeblocks are made from mixing different berries together, and Pokepuffs are different berries that are baked into pastries for the Pokémon. So the only logical answer is that Pokémon candies in Pokémon Go are made from different types of berries as well. The reason they would match the colors of the Pokémon is because they were made just for that Pokémon. But, where does the actual Pokémon go? Well, in the anime Professor Oak keeps all of the Pokémon the trainers give him. In the games, the trainer usually stores or releases the Pokémon. So, the Professor most likely releases the Pokémon for you so you don't have to do it yourself, which is why you can't get the Pokémon back. These are mostly just my thoughts on it though. I know this post is really long, but there was a lot to cover with this theory. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this post!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Cinnamoroll. Cinnamoroll is a character created by Sanrio. He is a cute white puppy, and he is Café Cinnamon's official mascot. He is very friendly, but he's also quite shy. He often takes naps on the laps of the customers at Café Cinnamon as well. Cinnamoroll has the ability to fly by flapping his big ears too. Cinnamoroll also has a curly tail that curls up like a cinnamon roll, which is how he got his name. Cinnamoroll is actually quite popular, and he is one of the few Sanrio characters to appear in Sanrio Boys. The boy that likes him in Sanrio Boys is named Seiichiro Minamoto. As a little bonus, I will be including a picture of Seiichiro with Cinnamoroll below so you guys can see what they both look like. Enjoy!

Seiichiro holding a Cinnamoroll plush.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Little Twin Stars. The Little Twin Stars are characters created by Sanrio, and their names are Kiki and Lala. Kiki and Lala are twin stars that were born on the Omoiyari Star in the Yume Star-Cloud. They both traveled a long way to get to Earth so they can learn how to be the best and shiniest stars they can be. Lala is the oldest out of the two twin stars. She loves to draw and write poems. She is also a great cook! On the other hand, her younger brother Kiki is curious about everything. However, this can make him a bit cheeky sometimes. Although Kiki's hair is blue and Lala's hair is pink now, Kiki originally had brown hair and Lala had blonde hair instead. Even though Kiki and Lala are some of the older characters created by Sanrio, they are still quite popular. In fact, they are two of the characters featured in Sanrio Boys. Since they're usually presented as a pair, only one of the characters like them in Sanrio Boys. His name is Ryo Nishimiya. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of the Little Twin Stars and Ryo below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!


Friday, August 3, 2018

Since I haven't done a blog post about a Sanrio character in a while, I decided to pick a character for today's post. So for today's blog post, I will be talking about Keroppi. As I said before, Keroppi is one of the many Sanrio characters that have been made. Keroppi lives on the edge of Donut Pond with his parents, his brother, and his sister. Keroppi and his friends love to play games too. They especially like playing baseball and boomerangs. Even though Keroppi is one of the older characters made by Sanrio, he's still quite popular. In fact, he is one of the few characters that were featured in Sanrio Boys. Naoki Sugami is a biology teacher who likes Keroppi in Sanrio Boys. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of both Keroppi and Naoki below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!


Thursday, August 2, 2018

If you guys don't know, Cheritz has recently revealed what the new merchandise for Mystic Messenger will be on their official Twitter and Tumblr pages! Although there's still a little while left before the new merchandise will be available for purchase, at least now we know what it's going to be! So, I'll be going over it in today's blog post. First of all, there will be two new emoticon cushion pillows. One will have V on it, and the other will have Ray on it. The next announcement was for two new wall scroll tapestries, which will be one for RFA, and one for Mint Eye. There will also be eight new rubber keychains for the characters. One for each of the RFA members, and one for V, Rika, and Ray. There will also be a new mouse pad for Mint Eye, and two different types of postcard sets. Again, one set of postcards is for the RFA, and the other is for Mint Eye. There will be five new official t-shirts as well. Each t-shirt has a different character and phrase on it. But that's not all! Two new body pillow covers have been revealed too! One is for Zen, and the other is for Unknown. Since I don't want to give away all of the details for the new merchandise on here, I highly recommend going to Cheritz's official Tumblr page so you guys can see all of the new official merchandise for yourself. To make it easier, I will link the announcement on their official Tumblr page below. Enjoy!

The link to Cheritz's official Tumblr page:

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What is under Mimikyu's disguise in Pokémon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But, there will be some spoilers in this post. So, proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! If you guys don't know, Mimikyu is a very mysterious ghost-fairy type Pokémon. Along with this, people who look under its disguise usually don't live to tell the tale. Because of this, no one knows what Mimikyu looks like without its disguise. Some people think Mimikyu might be a ghost of another Pokémon, but its hard to say if this is true. Mimikyu could also simply be cursed energy that clings to the disguise like the Pokémon Banette, who was created when a cursed energy went inside a discarded plush doll. However, there's a possibility that Mimikyu doesn't really have a form at all, since Team Rocket's Meowth never seems to actually see Mimikyu itself when he looks under its disguise in the anime. But, its hard to say if we'll ever see what Mimikyu actually looks like without its well-known disguise, since we haven't seen it yet. These are mostly just my thoughts on it anyways. So, we'll just have to wait to see if Mimikyu's true form is ever actually revealed. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post! I will also be including a picture of Mimikyu below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!