Saturday, August 4, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the Little Twin Stars. The Little Twin Stars are characters created by Sanrio, and their names are Kiki and Lala. Kiki and Lala are twin stars that were born on the Omoiyari Star in the Yume Star-Cloud. They both traveled a long way to get to Earth so they can learn how to be the best and shiniest stars they can be. Lala is the oldest out of the two twin stars. She loves to draw and write poems. She is also a great cook! On the other hand, her younger brother Kiki is curious about everything. However, this can make him a bit cheeky sometimes. Although Kiki's hair is blue and Lala's hair is pink now, Kiki originally had brown hair and Lala had blonde hair instead. Even though Kiki and Lala are some of the older characters created by Sanrio, they are still quite popular. In fact, they are two of the characters featured in Sanrio Boys. Since they're usually presented as a pair, only one of the characters like them in Sanrio Boys. His name is Ryo Nishimiya. As a little bonus, I will be including pictures of the Little Twin Stars and Ryo below so you guys can see what they look like. Enjoy!


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