Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Are the Disney dubs of Ghibli movies bad? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although people already tend to dislike English dubs of anime, they seem to especially dislike Disney's dubs. This fact is even more true when it comes to their dubs of Ghibli films. But, is this justified? Well, I'll be the first to admit that Disney does tend to change things here and there. Usually it's just a few voice lines, but many people say these changes affect the whole movie. Despite this, Disney is just trying to make the movies more enjoyable for the audience. They usually don't change the movies themselves very much, and Ghibli has worked with Disney for the dubbing and release of many of their films. The story and messages of the movies always stay the same, and any changes are usually small ones. Even though some may disagree with me on this, I personally like the Disney dubs of the Ghibli movies. When I compared the original Arriety dub with the Disney one, I actually found that they didn't change very much. Both versions had the same story and heart, and they both were enjoyable to watch. So, whether the Disney dubs are bad or not is all up to personal opinion. Even if I like them, others may be more picky when it comes to how faithful the English translation is to the original Japanese. These are also mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Whether you agree with me or disagree, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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