Monday, August 30, 2021

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be a rank of the current archons in Genshin Impact. Their scores will be out of ten, and it will purely be based on my opinions of them. If you feel differently, great! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. But for now, here's my thoughts on them. There will be spoilers in this post, though. So proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! Enjoy!

1.) Venti - 7/10 I love his design and personality, easily my favorite. But, he's a bit too absent; and alcoholic. A childish archon who only steps in when he needs to.

2.) Zhongli - 5/10 His design is great, and he has a strong personality. However, I dislike his decision to step down as the current geo archon. He clearly had a lot of say in Liyue, and him leaving pretty much leaves them defenseless and mora-less.

3.) Baal - 3/10 A tyrant archon with a tedious boss fight. Although she has a nice design, I still don't like her very much. She has a warped sense of eternity, and she willingly hurts her loyal subjects. Even if they introduce a painful backstory for her, it won't help. It's no excuse for her actions, and would most likely just make me dislike her more.

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