Monday, October 25, 2021

It's time for a post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the gacha system in Genshin Impact. I know I've mentioned my disappointment when it comes to the gacha system in this game, but I actually want to talk about one specific thing this time; which is getting weapons on character banners. Think about it. You spend all of your time scrimping and saving for a character, you go to the gacha, you play a few times, and then don't even get any characters. If you think I'm exaggerating a bit, I've personally experienced this. I spent 40 intertwined fates on Childe's banner (which is currently ongoing), and I only got one character who I already had (which was Chongyun). 40 pulls, and only one character. The gacha system was already very faulty, and it just keeps getting worse. I personally think there shouldn't be any weapons in a character banner. If I wanted weapons, I would play the weapons banner. But instead, all of my hard earned primogems are being soaked up by weapons I didn't even want. I'm not the only one, either. Many fans have this same problem, and they're all very upset with this system. I sincerely hope Mihoyo takes at least some of these complaints into consideration, especially since some fans are starting to give up on even trying to get 5 star characters. However, I don't think Mihoyo will change the gacha system for the better. We'll just have to wait and see. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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