Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Will Vanderwood ever get his own route in Mystic Messenger? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Even though it's been a few years, Mystic Messenger is still a rather popular game. The community is still active, and Cheritz still holds birthday events and creates new merchandise for the characters. However, Vanderwood was never given a route. He's one of the most popular characters in the game, and other popular characters did end up getting their own routes. But no matter how many times fans asked for it, a Vanderwood route was never even considered. This could simply be because the MC doesn't usually interact with him directly, or it could be because Vanderwood isn't interested in a relationship. Whatever the case may be, a Vanderwood route could work. Despite this, Cheritz doesn't want to add any more to the game. Maybe if the fans ask for it enough, Cheritz will consider adding another route. But as it is right now, I don't find a new route very likely. Those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, though. It's hard to say if Cheritz will ever choose to add such a highly requested route or not. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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