Saturday, October 23, 2021

New day, new post! Since new Death Note content is once again being made, I am back to suggest the "shinigami are wearing masks" idea. For those of you who don't know, Ryuk was originally supposed to be attractive like Light Yagami. However, the creators thought making Ryuk look like an attractive young man would upstage the main character of the show. But since Light is out of the picture now, that wouldn't be an issue. Along with this, many fans are interested in the mask idea. It's been mentioned quite a few times in the fandom that it would make sense if Ryuk and other shinigami were actually wearing masks, and some fans already think it's canon. Adding this to any of the new content the original creators make wouldn't change the story of Death Note at all, and it would make quite a few fans very happy. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It isn't likely that this idea will ever actually see the light of day, even if it was originally considered before. Either way, Ryuk and other shinigami already have their fans anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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