Monday, May 2, 2022

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be about the Masiro Project. The Masiro Project is a project that is focusing on creating real life anime maid robots. As odd as that may sound, it's actually quite fascinating. These robots are pretty advanced, and they're currently fully functional. Although they're still experiencing some bugs, the creator is still planning on opening a maid cafe for them to work in. The cafe is scheduled to open this fall, and it's currently on schedule. There are three robots at the moment, and their names are Masiro, Ciro, and Ciya. They have big, digital eyes, as well. Even though not everyone likes these robots, they seem to be generally well-received. It's unknown when they'll be available for the public, but the creator aims to make them available for everyone. The maid cafe is just the first step, and his main goal is to bring anime characters into the real world. I highly recommend checking these robots out, since they're the most advanced ones I've found so far. They can't speak as of right now, but their features and mobility are impressive. As always, I will be including a link to the official website below so you guys can check it out for yourselves. Enjoy!

The link for the Masiro Project website:

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