Wednesday, May 11, 2022

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Spiritiny. Now, Spiritiny isn't an actual Pokemon. In fact, some would say it was just an accident. You see, this little Pokemon was accidentally created on a new Spiritomb card. A little pink flame is shown on the card, and it perfectly lines up with the eye-shaped energy symbols. This design accident resulted in tons of fans falling in love with this tiny Pokemon. Even though it doesn't really exist, people have still made fan art and Pokedex entries for it. This may all be a bit silly, but people really do like Spiritiny. Hopefully if it becomes popular enough, the Pokemon company will make it a real Pokemon. I think it would fit well in the series, and many fans would be overjoyed if this little Pokemon became official. As always, I will be including a picture of the official card; as well as a picture of Spiritiny itself below so you guys can see it for yourselves. Enjoy!

The official card.

The Spiritiny fan art.

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