Sunday, May 29, 2022

What time is it? Post time! So, you've been playing Mystic Messenger. Probably not, but stick with me. You've been playing Mystic Messenger and despite playing most of the chatrooms, you still keep getting bad or normal endings. Why? The answer, is hearts and emails. You see, it's very important to keep track of how many hearts you get per character. If you don't get enough hearts or get too many hearts for the wrong character before a route, you won't get a route. You'll get a bad ending. If you pick mean or selfish options on a route, you'll get a bad ending. If you miss too many chatrooms, you'll get a bad ending. Finally, if you decline too many guest suggestions, or don't get enough guests to arrive at the party, you'll only get a normal ending. Hopefully this little guide will help you all get good endings, or help you get the bad endings if you want them. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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