Wednesday, June 1, 2022

It's June 1st! This marks the beginning of pride month. So, today I'll be talking about 707 from Mystic Messenger. Why am I talking about Seven for pride month? Because he's bi/pan, of course. It's unclear whether he's bi or pan, but it was revealed in the RFA guidebook that Seven doesn't care who his partner is as long as he gets along with them. As long as he loves them, Seven doesn't care what gender his potential partner is. This has even been confirmed in the game, since he jokingly says V's voice is a bit his taste if you say you like it. Jaehee is also most likely bi, since she ends up falling for the MC after only dating guys. It's really surprising how much good representation can be found if you just look around a bit. 707 and Jaehee are beloved characters, and they aren't treated any differently from any of the other characters. But, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! Happy pride month!

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