Thursday, January 11, 2024

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why Okosan is objectively the best character in Hatoful Boyfriend. To make this easier, I will be listing the reasons below so the blog post doesn't get too messy. So, let's get on with it!

1.) He has no human avatar, which makes it easier to concentrate on who he is as a person.

2.) Okosan is based on a real bird.

3.) He has an elegant and mature way of speaking.

4.) He's easy to understand.

5.) He always knows what he wants (which is pudding).

6.) He has a nice voice.

7.) He's a good friend, and dependable.

8.) He's athletic.

9.) He's always quick to act.

10.) He doesn't let anything keep him from his goals (pudding).

As you all can see, there are many reasons why Okosan is the best bird in Hatoful Boyfriend. This is only a fraction of everything that makes Okosan the best. Of course this post is a bit of a joke. I like the character of Okosan, and I don't often see people talking about him. So I decided to do a post about him today. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! And as a little bonus, here's a picture of the man himself! Enjoy!

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