Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Where is Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror is going to be the third game in the series, and it was supposed to come out years ago. The story is going to be set in a mirror timeline, as well. We've actually seen a glimpse of this timeline in Holiday Star, as well as the official Kazuaki-kun book. However, technical issues delayed its release. It has now been a few years, and it was starting to look like the game would never be released. Despite this, there have been a few somewhat recent updates within the last year. Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror has experienced many delays, technical issues, and setbacks. But, it seems like Hato Moa is still working on the game in her free time. There hasn't been a set release date for it yet, and it's unclear how far into the production the game really is. Other than this, there hasn't really been any updates for Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror. Hopefully we'll hear something about it again soon; especially since fans have been waiting quite a while for it now. I know this post doesn't really give any sort of new update or information, but I'm just working with the little amount of information we have. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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