Saturday, January 6, 2024

What is anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! If you're on my blog, then there's a good chance you know what anime is. Even if you aren't an anime fan, most people know what anime is. But, let's talk about it anyways. Anime started out as just Japanese animation. It was basically just cartoons from Japan. Eventually, the term began to expand. It changed from being Japanese cartoons, to the art style that was most commonly used for this type of animation. Since the term now also applies to the art style, people started calling other things anime as well. Now anime fans also included video games, apps, and animation that wasn't even from Japan. There has been anime and manga from places outside of Japan, with some even coming from America. Personally, I associate the term anime with the art style more than what it was originally used for. This is why I talk about things like Mystic Messenger and Blush Blush even though they're not from Japan. However, I will still talk about some other Japanese animation on my blog even if it doesn't exactly have that art style because that's also considered anime. The term anime has become something much different than it used to be, and now there is anime content from many places in the world. But even if the term now applies more to an art style than the actual animation, everyone still remembers where anime originated from. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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