Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Where is Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror? I've asked this question a few times now, and there still hasn't been any recent news. It's been months since the game was even mentioned at all. However, that does imply that it's likely still in production. It's been years since the last Hatoful Boyfriend game was released, and there hasn't even been any new manga for it in a long time. Despite this, Hato Moa still releases a new picture for each characters' birthday. These pictures usually get quite a few likes and comments, as well. But it isn't a lie to say the Hatoful Boyfriend fandom is smaller than ever these days. A heavily delayed game like Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror doesn't help either, since fans haven't been getting very much new content. Even with the release of new merchandise in the official Hatoful Shop, other merchandise has been removed despite there being such little merchandise as it is. As of right now, no one knows when Hatoful Boyfriend Mirror will come out; if it is ever even released at all. Personally I still hope it will be released one day soon, but the lack of information and long passed release date doesn't look very promising. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because I've noticed Hatoful Boyfriend fans have been getting a bit bored with the current state of things, and it's a bit worrisome. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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