Saturday, March 30, 2024

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the weird ages in Twisted Wonderland. This may seem like an odd thing to talk about, but the ages in Twisted Wonderland have been bothering me for a while now. For those of you who don't know, the main characters of Twisted Wonderland go to Night Raven College. It's been mentioned multiple times that it is a college, which is why so many of the characters are 18 years old. It also explains why Leona is still in school at 20, and why Lilia and Malleus were allowed to attend even though they're much older than the other students. However, that doesn't explain why there are so many 17 year old students. It's rather odd to me that so many teenagers are going to college. Even if you overlook this, it doesn't explain why there are almost no older students. Of course this is somewhat explained by the game saying the seniors aren't in school, and are instead sent to go intern and gain experience when they reach their last year. It's also kind of odd that there are only four years of school available, which is much more like a high school than a college. With some of the characters it seems like they designed the character and then gave them an age afterwards, because quite a few characters act and look older than they are. But, this may just be a personal opinion. I just think it's odd that so many characters are young, instead of giving them more realistic and varied ages. This has been such a problem that some fans have to be reminded that they're in college and not high school. I'm sure this was to attract younger teenage fans, and it doesn't actually affect the game very much. I just think it was an odd choice. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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