Sunday, March 24, 2024

What time is it? Post time! Today's blog post will be about Tighnari's voice in Genshin Impact. It's been a while since Tighnari got a new voice. As a Tighnari fan, I have been trying to get used to his current voice. Although I like the voice actor, I still can't get used to his voice. As it turns out, I'm not alone in this. Many Tighnari fans actually dislike his new voice. However, it isn't the voice they dislike. It's the line delivery. Tighnari was loved for his unique personality, but his new voice doesn't show it well at all. Even though the words haven't changed, the line delivery has. Instead of coming across as a sensible, mature, reliable, and occasionally sassy forest ranger, he now seems like a young and occasionally whiny teenager. In fact, many fans have been comparing him to Mika. Although I like Mika, he's known for being very timid and childish. Tighnari was the opposite of this, but his current personality doesn't at all match what he's saying. It's flat, and it's hard to like. Of course this isn't the voice actor's fault at all. Zachary Gordon is a good actor, and I'm sure he could do an amazing job if he was given the chance to. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I still hope they fix this someday, but they probably won't. It's very disappointing to see one of my favorite characters eventually become one of my least favorite characters. I like his voice, but the way it's used is so flat. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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