Friday, March 29, 2024

It's time to post! Have you ever wanted to use Studio Ghibli pictures, but you don't know which ones you're allowed to use? Wouldn't it be easier if there was a convenient official website that provided you with the images instead? Are these questions oddly specific? Well if you answered yes to either of those two oddly specific questions, have I got a website for you! The official Japanese Studio Ghibli website not only includes all of the current Studio Ghibli movies and other works, but it also has a gallery for each one. These galleries include pictures from the movies, and all of them are free to use within reason. This makes including pictures from the movies much easier; and it allows fans to use the pictures for things like videos and social media posts. It's also just fun to see which pictures they add to the website. As always, I will be including the link for the Studio Ghibli website below so you all can check it out for yourselves. Keep in mind the website is in Japanese, but it can easily be translated with Google Chrome or a browser extension if you can't read the language. Enjoy!

The Studio Ghibli website:

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