Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about my least favorite ship. That ship, is L x Light. Minor Death Note spoilers from here on. L x Light is one of the most popular ships from Death Note, as well as in the anime community in general. However, I really hate this ship. First of all, it doesn't make sense for L and Light's personalities. I understand wanting to pair them up because they're enemies, but it just doesn't make sense. Both L and Light were shown to be attracted to girls, and it's been implied in Death Note 13: How To Read that L may have been lying about that. It's been hinted at more than once that L just doesn't feel attraction to pretty much anyone. But if we overlook this, there's still no way he would like someone who he suspects of being a murderer. It's also implied that Light as Kira hates L. But even when Light isn't Kira, he doesn't like L very much at all. He knows L is smart, but he finds his stubborn side very frustrating. He disagrees with how L does things very often, as well. This mixed with the fact that they just all around don't like each other makes this ship not just unrealistic, but also just pretty much impossible. That being said, I don't care who people ship as long as they do it respectfully and don't force others to feel the same way. I just wanted to talk about this because I've seen this pairing for years now and I've never really liked it. Regardless, those are mostly just my opinions on the subject. I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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