Tuesday, April 9, 2024

What is nightcore? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! I'm sure I've talked about this at some point in the past, but I wanted to talk about it again. Although nightcore isn't exclusively anime-related, it is associated with anime. This is because the videos put with nightcore songs are usually still pictures of anime characters; usually anime girls. A nightcore song is just a normal song that has been sped up and sometimes pitched. Recently the term has changed from "nightcore" to "sped up", but it's still common to see anime pictures with it. It's unclear why they use anime for it, but it's likely for aesthetic purposes. Personally I prefer the name nightcore, but I enjoy the genre as a whole. But I digress. Hopefully this blog post helped anyone who didn't know what nightcore was. And as always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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