Thursday, November 30, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be giving my very first review. If you play Mystic Messenger, you've most likely heard 707 talk about Honey Buddha Chips. Although the name used in the game is fabricated, they are based on real chips called Honey Butter Chips. These chips are actually very popular in Korea and Japan. However, they are actually a bit harder to find here in America. Nevertheless, I managed to get a bag of them from Amazon. So, that's what I'll be reviewing with this post. Now onto the reviewing part! Although Honey Butter Chips sound like a strange flavor combination, they are actually very good! The chips taste a lot like honey, but they don't taste like honey exclusively. Even though they are good on their own, they do taste a lot better with Dr.Pepper too. The taste itself is rather hard to explain, but the chips do taste really good! I would also like to recommend eating them with Dr.Pepper, especially if you want to know exactly what 707 was so addicted to!

I would also like to add that this is just my opinion on the chips. If you try them yourself and don't like them, I'm sorry! I just personally like them.

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