Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Yokai powers from the show Yokai Watch. If you've watched the show Yokai Watch, I can almost guarantee that you know what Yokai powers are. But, I'm still going to make this post anyways for the people who don't know. Anyways, on with the post! Each Yokai has a different Yokai power. These powers are also unique to that Yokai. Much like how Hungramps can make people hungry, or how Blazion can make people get excited and competitive over everything. But, certain Yokai can also neutralize another Yokai's power if their power cancels it out. This can be seen with Yokai like Happierre and Dismarelda, and Yokai like Drizzelda and Ray O' Light. Yokai can use this power to inspirit one person, or they can use it to inspirit a place. It all depends on what type of power that Yokai has.

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