Saturday, November 25, 2017

Since I talked about a creepy new Pokémon Sun And Moon Pokedex entry for a Pokémon from a previous generation for yesterday's post, I will be talking about a creepy Pokedex entry for an Alolan Pokémon for today's post. That Pokémon will be Shiinotic. This Pokémon looks pretty cute and harmless, but the Pokedex entries for it prove otherwise. The first entry for it is creepy enough, since it says "Forests where Shiinotic live are treacherous at night. People confused by its strange lights can never find their way home again.". But if that wasn't creepy enough for you, the second Pokedex entry is even creepier as it states "It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness. When its prey succumb to sleep, this Pokémon feeds on them by sucking in their energy.". So although this Pokémon looks pretty harmless, I wouldn't want to run into it! Especially not at night!

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