Saturday, November 4, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Elizabeth 3rd from the Mystic Messenger app. Yes, Elizabeth 3rd is Jumin's cat. But, she's still an important part of the game. Kind of. Anyways, on with the post! As I said before, Elizabeth 3rd is Jumin's cat, and he loves her very much. The only time Jumin doesn't think about only his cat (or his work) is when the player is on his route. 707 also likes Elizabeth 3rd very much, and he often shortens her name to just Elly. However, Jumin doesn't let Seven see her because he claims that he abuses her. Despite this, Elizabeth 3rd herself rarely appears in the game. Aside from pictures, Jumin's route, and conversations about her, that is. For no reason whatsoever (other than to show you what she looks like), I have also included a picture of Elizabeth 3rd down below. So, enjoy!

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