Monday, July 30, 2018

Although I normally start out with the topic of the blog post first, the topic of this blog post is a major spoiler for the Death Note series. Because of this, I figured I would start out with the spoiler warning first. Well, there will be spoilers in this post! So, proceed with caution! Now that that's out of the way, on with the post! Would L have been able to catch Kira if he wasn't killed? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! First of all, Light's plan wouldn't have even succeeded without his manipulation of Rem. So if she had decided to not kill Watari and L, neither of them would have died at all. Unless Misa used her Shinigami eyes to see their names, that is. However, Misa would have had to see their faces again to do that. She was also under surveillance during that period of time, which would make it hard for her to write in her Death Note. So having Misa kill them instead would be unlikely. Along with this, L was already certain of Kira's identity, so he just needed enough evidence to prove Light was guilty. Since he was so close to the answer the entire time, it would not have been very hard to produce the proof he needed. Because of this, I personally think L would have been able to catch Kira if his life hadn't been cut short. But, these are just my thoughts on it. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this blog post!

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