Thursday, July 12, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Miho Nosaka from Yu-Gi-Oh. Miho Nosaka was a main character in the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime made by Toei Animation, which is often referred to as Season Zero by fans outside of Japan. Although she wasn't added to the main cast in the second Yu-Gi-Oh anime, she did play a big part in Season Zero. Miho was a classmate of Anzu (Tea), Honda (Tristan), Yugi, and Jonouchi (Joey), and she was also one of their friends. She was a cheerful girl who was also a bit stubborn at times. She can be quite naïve too, and she can sometimes be a bit oblivious to the feelings of others around her. However, she is still very loyal to her friends, and she cares deeply about their safety. If anyone hurts her friends, she will become serious and go to their defense. Even though she was given a bigger role in Season Zero, she was completely removed from the much more well-known series Duel Monsters. This is most likely because she didn't play a very big role in the manga, so the creators of Duel Monsters wanted to go back to the original format of three main characters. But, that's just my thoughts on why they removed her. If any of you guys would like to see what she looks like, I will be including a picture of Miho below. Enjoy!

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