Tuesday, September 7, 2021

3, 2, 1, post time! The blog post for today will be about My Horse Prince. This game came out in 2016, and it was created by Usaya. I've actually known about this game for a few years now. However, it's such a strange game that it made me question whether I should do a blog post about it. You see, My Horse Prince is a game about a girl falling in love with a horse who has a human head. Why does he have a human head? Well, he actually doesn't. The main character only sees him this way because she was born under the year of the horse. She went to a ranch looking for a handsome man, and accidentally stumbled upon this horse. In My Horse Prince, you can feed the horse carrots, talk with him, and unlock new chapters of the story. The carrots will replenish over time, which will allow you to feed him again. Feeding him and talking with him will raise your bond, as well. You can also choose the name of the main character. Along with this, the horse's name is Yuuma. Despite this being a rather strange game, it was actually pretty popular when it first came out. It isn't mentioned as much now, but it still has plenty of fans. If any of you are interested in playing it for yourselves, it is available for free on the app store. As always, I will be including a picture from My Horse Prince below so you guys can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

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