Sunday, September 5, 2021

When will Xiao be getting a re-run banner in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! With all of the new characters being released in Genshin Impact, many fans aren't really thinking about re-run banners. But, on the other hand, others are looking forward to getting another chance to get their favorite characters. Since many fans missed out on getting Xiao the first time, he's one of the most asked about characters. However, Mihoyo has yet to even mention him again. So, it's currently up to fans to predict when he'll be coming back. Although some fans predict he'll be returning very soon, others think he'll be coming back during the lantern rite. I personally agree with this theory, since it would make the most sense. Waiting until the next lantern rite festival would be a long enough wait, and it would tie in well with his character. This is because his introduction quest was heavily tied with the lantern rite. So, it would make sense that this would be when his re-run banner would take place. But, that's mostly just my thoughts on this topic. This guess is just based on my own thoughts and what I've seen from other fans. I could be completely wrong about this. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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