Thursday, September 16, 2021

Should Genshin Impact have more male characters? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although Genshin Impact has a big and varied cast of characters, most of them are actually girls. There aren't very many boy characters at all, and this is starting to make fans angry. But should more males be added? Well, yes. Even though the female characters are really popular, the males also have their fair share of fans. Many fans even prefer the male characters, as well. But despite this, Mihoyo keeps adding more girls. With every five or so girls, only one or two boys are added. Out of all of the new playable Inazuman characters we've gotten, only three of them have been boys; with them being Kazuha, Thoma, and Gorou. However, there have been many more female characters released in this update. Many people also believe the remaining archons will all be females, too. This unbalanced character system is starting to make fans very upset. In fact, fans most likely wouldn't have been nearly as upset about the dendro archon's gender change if the game included more male characters. But since we already have so few, losing one was very upsetting. I personally think Mihoyo should take this into consideration, since some fans have threatened to quit over the lack of male characters. Banners for male characters tend to do just as well anyways, so there wouldn't be a loss if new characters were added. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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