Monday, November 22, 2021

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about my thoughts on Shenhe from Genshin Impact. Although both Yun Jin and Shenhe were announced, I'll only be talking about Shenhe. First of all, Shenhe is not Cloud Retainer. Instead, she's just a human who Cloud Retainer took under her wing. Even though many many fans wanted Shenhe to be Cloud Retainer, I have yet to find anyone who is upset that she isn't Cloud Retainer. Instead, more than half of the fans I've seen are upset about her new design. A lot of fans believe her original design was more unique. But now, her design is just like many of the others. She has the same hairstyle as the Raiden Shogun, her blue leggings are now black just like everyone else's, and her outfit is much more similar to Ganyu's now. Although some fans like the new design, I personally don't. It looks like Mihoyo had an original character, and then just wanted to use pre-made assets instead. Her previous design was more colorful, and she looked nice with flowing hair. But, that's just my opinion. Either way, we have another new character now. Of course we got two new girls, and no one was right about their previous Shenhe theories. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of both Shenhe designs below so you guys can see what she looks like. Enjoy!

The original design is on the left, and the new one is on the right.

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