Sunday, November 7, 2021

Is Katheryne from Genshin Impact a robot? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although it seems as though Katheryne of the adventurers guild is a human, many fans think she isn't. This is mostly because there is more than one Katheryne; which is seen when Mondstadt Katheryne asks the traveler to deliver a message to the Katheryne in Liyue. Since there are multiple Katherynes, people assume she's actually a robot. It is also because if you stand near her, you can hear her say "error" and "rebooting". Even though the Katheryne in Inazuma mentions teleporting from place to place, she later says that it was just a joke. But, it's difficult to say if she really is a robot or not. Most of the robots we see are the chaos devices like ruin guards, which are nothing like humans. Some people theorize Katheryne is a more advanced robot from somewhere like Sumeru, but there isn't much of any proof of that. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Given the information we have now, all we can do is wait until more is revealed about her. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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