Monday, November 1, 2021

It's list time! So for today's blog post, I will be ranking Mystic Messenger music out of ten. Five characters, five themes. These aren't necessarily my favorite songs from the game, but I do really like the themes. So, I've decided to rank them. Now then, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) 707 - Geniously Hacked Bebop - 10/10 By far my favorite. It's happy and boppy and super energetic.

2.) Jumin - Urban Night Cityscape - 9/10 A very nice and calm piece, but it can make you feel pretty melancholic.

3.) Yoosung - Same Old Fresh Air - 10/10 This song is very light and happy, just like Yoosung.

4.) Zen - Narcissistic Jazz - 10/10 This one is also pretty upbeat. It's pretty smooth and fun to listen to.

5.) Jaehee - Lonesome Practicalism - 9/10 This song fits Jaehee just as well as the other themes fit the other characters. It's nice and calm. But, it has the same somewhat melancholic tone that Jumin's theme has.

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