Friday, November 26, 2021

It's post time! So for today's blog post, I will be talking about something in the Genshin Impact community. Here's the thing, everyone is too mean to Timmie. He's just a little boy who loves his birds and misses his absent father. But, the community has taken to torturing him for no reason other than sheer spite. This shouldn't be a surprise though, since the Genshin Impact community is notoriously cruel. They mock Zhongli for being melancholic, they mock Xiao for eating snow and closing himself off, and they mock Diluc for being an orphan. They complain about everything they don't agree with, as well. So, I suppose it's no surprise they pick on children too. Maybe the fandom is just like this because the characters aren't real, but I don't really recall other video game fandoms being quite as mean. Of course all fandoms have their mean points, but I see Genshin Impact fans make dark jokes quite often. But, the Timmie abuse is what confuses me the most. I mean, why would they see a sad child and immediately want to make it worse? I just don't get it. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on the topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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