Friday, February 11, 2022

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about some Valentine's Day traditions that often appear in anime and manga. If you're not from Japan, it's easy for the culture to be lost on you. You can research it yourself, but so many sources say different things. So I've decided to talk about the more common ones. Firstly, Valentine's Day is traditionally for the boys. Gifts are usually given to the guys on Valentine's Day, and they're usually not given to girls until White Day. It's also common for girls to give homemade chocolates on the special day. Different chocolates usually mean different things as well, and friends aren't given the same candies as romantic partners or crushes are. Giving Valentine's Day candies is often a somewhat big deal in anime because they can easily be used as a confession. Unless the receiver knows nothing about the different types of candies, it'll be easy to notice that the special homemade chocolates were made from a place of love. I know this isn't very much information, but it should help you all understand the anime tropes better. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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