Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Why isn't Servamp a more popular series? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Even though Servamp was popular enough as a manga to get an anime adaptation, it still isn't very well-known. Despite this, most of those who know about it like it. I've only seen a few people say they hate the anime, with most saying it's mediocre at worst. Many fans are also still asking about a second season as recent as a few months ago even though the anime hasn't gotten a new episode in years. So why isn't it more popular? Although it isn't as obscure as something like Cheer Boys, it isn't known enough to get more content. It may just have to do with the lack of marketing, since the manga itself is still going. The company may have just been too busy to continue making episodes as well, though this is less likely. If an anime doesn't do well enough when it's released, the studio will often just drop it in favor of another one. This is most likely what happened with Servamp, and anime that only have one season tend not to do nearly as well as others who have two seasons or more. It also never hit the mainstream like other similar shows, so many people don't even know it exists. But since so many people do like it, hopefully more people can find it and make it a bit more popular. If it becomes more popular, it will most likely get more content; which would make many existing fans very happy. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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