Saturday, April 23, 2022

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about three Mondstadt NPCs who are treated unfairly in Genshin Impact. These NPCs are either treated unfairly by the game, the fan base, or both. So, I'll be giving an explanation for each one. Now then, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Nimrod - If it isn't bad enough that his name is Nimrod, the other citizens of Mondstadt are always nagging him for his drinking. Yes, alcoholism is bad. But to be fair, Mondstadt is known for its wine.

2.) Reckless Pallad - It's unclear why so many fans dislike Pallad. Maybe it's because he's annoying, maybe it's because he's clumsy. Either way, reckless is right there in his name.

3.) Timmie - This poor child is already upset over losing his dad. But to make matters worse, fans just love killing his innocent little pigeons. Fans started picking on him because he can be pretty rude. However, he is still a child. A small, grieving child.

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