Saturday, April 16, 2022

Why do I like Kazuaki-kun? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. There will be some Hatoful Boyfriend spoilers though, so proceed with caution. For those of you who don't know, Kazuaki-kun is the actual Kazuaki. He grew up in an easy life, and became severely depressed when that life turned sour. He became hopeless, and grew to hate himself. He didn't like taking care of himself, and would often say he wanted to die. When actually presented with the option though, he would cry and say it was too scary. He's very emotional, and many people say he's pathetic. These are reasons why people generally don't like him. On the contrary, this is why I do like him. I heavily relate to when he was depressed, and I don't think his sensitivity is a bad thing. It's actually good that he's sensitive, and his clinginess towards Hitori is just because of how alone he is. It may be annoying, but it isn't a bad thing. He needed that person, and it helped him immensely in the mirror timeline. However, it was used against him in the current timeline. This just goes to show that he can improve with help, which is another reason why I like him. He's relatable for me, and he's often misunderstood. Many people look down on him and call him pathetic, but I don't agree with them at all. Really, he's just a confused person who only wanted the pain to end. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I suppose there's no real reason for this post. It was just something I wanted to talk about. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed it.

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