Sunday, April 10, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! With another new Pokemon game in the works, I think it's important to remind everyone to be weary of leaks. Most of the time they aren't true, and they can get your hopes up for things that won't happen. For example, many people like making fan art of what the final evolutions for new Pokemon could look like; only to have someone take it and pass it off as a leak. Alleged "leakers" have also been saying there will be one or more new Eevee evolutions for multiple Pokemon generations, but we all know this hasn't happened yet. Even though some leaks may turn out to be true, believing in leaks that have yet to be proven usually ends in disappointment. I've talked about this before, but decided to mention it again because new "leaks" are starting to pop up for Scarlet and Violet. I know it can be difficult to wait at times, but I find it's best to wait until the Pokemon company reveals things themselves. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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