Monday, May 29, 2023

Another day, another post! Today's blog post will be about the mistakes of Light Yagami. Spoilers ahead, of course. I also won't be talking about all of his mistakes. Only one. Why would I talk about only one mistake? Because it was his biggest one. What could it possibly be? One of his murders? A slip up? Some sort of accident? No. His mistake, was meeting L. Light had purposefully set things up so he would eventually meet L face to face. This was mostly because he wanted to face his opponent on a level playing field, but it was foolish. He didn't have to meet L, and he would've been able to continue on his path without ever having seen L at all. Even if he wanted to see who he was going against, he still could've done so from a distance. Making the decision to meet him not only caused L to suspect Light even more than he already did, but it also put Light at risk for no reason other than he wanted to see who L really was. He purposefully proved to L that he wasn't just a student, but also a student with access to police files. Then, he killed Raye Penber after he already knew Raye no longer suspected him; just because he knew L would realize Light was one of the suspects Raye was following. All of this so L would invite him to the task force so Light could finally meet him. This didn't help Light in his goal at all, and actually prevented it several times. This, was Light's biggest mistake. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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