Monday, May 1, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about multiple characters being based on one Disney villain in Twisted Wonderland. What I mean may not be fully clear, so let me explain. Although there are only a few instances of this, there are a few characters who are theorized to be based on one Disney villain. For example, Idia and Ortho are both based on Hades from Hercules. However, this is because they are brothers. So of course they'd both be based on one villain. Despite this, it's theorized that nearly all of the Diasomnia students are based on Maleficent. Although it hasn't been confirmed yet, many fans believe that Malleus is based on Maleficent, Lilia is based on her dragon form, and Sebek is based on her lightning powers. I can understand why people would think Sebek was based on her lightning, but I don't fully agree with the Lilia theory. Firstly, he's most likely a dragon fae like Malleus, which would mean he'd already have the dragon features. He also mentions disliking looking for things, and he has a few things that imply that he's closer to being based on Maleficent's minions as opposed to Maleficent herself. Of course I know it would be odd for multiple characters to be based on one villain, but I don't think that's the case at all. It may happen once or twice, but I doubt it's more than that. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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