Sunday, January 2, 2022

As many of you may know, the actress Betty White recently passed away just a few weeks before her 100th birthday. Many people are upset about this, for good reason. So as a little sign of remembrance, I will be talking about her role in the movie Ponyo. This is still an anime blog, after all. I'm sure many Ghibli fans remember Betty White's role in the English dub of the movie Ponyo. But for those of you who don't remember, she voiced a side character named Yoshie. Yoshie was one of the women at the old folks home that Sosuke's mother worked at. Although she didn't appear very much throughout the movie, Betty White did like getting to voice a character in Ponyo. Even if it isn't one of her more well-known roles, many Ghibli fans have still enjoyed it. Rest in peace, Betty White. We already miss you.

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