Thursday, January 6, 2022

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I am once again back to talk about Genshin Impact's gacha system. First of all, gacha systems as a whole are usually pretty bad. However, Genshin Impact's gacha is a new level of pain. Not only is their pity level insanely high, but wishes also cost a ton of real physical money if you're not a free to play player. The worst part is, wishing on the main character banner doesn't even guarantee you the five star you wanted if you finally get one. I have never seen a gacha game give you something from one of the other options until Genshin Impact. The standard banner characters should stay in the standard banner. That's the whole reason why they use different fates. I'm not just an angry fan, either. I've played gacha games before and I've never had this issue. Just earning primogems is already agonizing, especially since Mihoyo is a bit stingy with them. This means getting a different five star character on the main temporary banner, even if it's a character you like, makes it feel like you just reached into the apple bin at the grocery store and somehow pulled out a fish. Players spend months saving up their primogems, only to lose it all on characters that shouldn't even be in that banner. The four star characters and the weapons are supposed to be there. The standard wish five stars that never go away, are not. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this again after losing all of my primogems to Diluc; a character I wanted very much until that happened. In a way, I suppose this unfair addition makes people despise their formerly favorite characters. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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